"Front Porch Inspirations"

Kitchen Capers


     My husband, Larry and I have been spending some time remodeling our kitchen. My goal is to make it look as if our guests have stepped back in time. The painting is finished, the cabinets have been repainted, the wood flooring is down and the trim and baseboards are ready to go back up.


     For a week, we’ve both hit every antique store we can think of searching for just the right table. We would like a table for two. We’ve considered drop-leaf tables, wooden tables with enamel tops (just like grandmas) and many others in-between. Either the price hasn’t been quite right, or we haven’t agreed on the piece we like. But, I keep thinking, all in good time.


     You see, my husband has the wisdom to look beyond the superficial outer appearance. He’s looking for a structurally sound piece of furniture with solid legs underneath it. I, on the other hand, see ‘Grandma’ written all over it. So the wisdom tends to go out the door. It’s good I have my husband to keep me on an even keel.  Of course, we both considered the price.


     Our very wise son once reminded me, that things aren’t always as they appear. I tended to look at the outward appearance of the furniture. It may look good on the outside, but is it strong enough to withstand, or to weather hard times? Of course, in this case, the question would be, “Will it stand the test of time and use?”


     Much like the wisdom Larry used in his views of the tables, God views a man’s heart.  1 Samuel 16:7 But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him; for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.  If we continue in this chapter, we find God chose a shepherd boy named David to go forth and do great and mighty things. Who among us might have chosen David?


     Like the table, as it ages with time, a well rounded and ‘grounded in the word’ life will become of use and value to the Lord. We will view man’s heart, not the outward appearance.


     Thus it is with us in our daily walk. Every trial draws us closer to Jesus and as we keep our faith and trust in him we grow stronger through him because he is our solid rock and foundation. As we mature in and through Christ, we can be used of God for the Kingdom.


     Larry and I haven’t found just the right table yet, but when we do, we’ll know it

© 2005 Marie Williams




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